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Schedule of Classes


Spring Semester 2023


Alexander Hertich • Bradley Hall 315 • 309-677-3495
WLL101Elementary Foreign Language 1 (4 hours)
 01 MW1:00 PM -1:50 PM ONLONL Alexander Hertich Online Course
 and TT1:10 PM -2:25 PM     ONLONL      
 "Beg Japanese II"
WLL311Introduction to Language (3 hours)
Cross-listed with ENG 311
 01 MWF2:00 PM -2:50 PM BR270 Seth R Katz  
 02 TT4:30 PM -5:45 PM BR270 Sandra Keller Hybrid Course
Development of communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in foreign language. Emphasis on the practice of vocabulary and grammatical structures in meaningful communicative tasks and authentic cultural contexts. Laboratory included. May be repeated under different topic for a total of 8 credit hours.
Introduction to the study of language; its structure, acquisition, and function in society. Cross listed as ENG 311.
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