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Schedule of Classes


Spring Semester 2023


International Business
Rajesh Iyer • 4137 • 309-677-2991
I B101International Intellectual and Cultural Events (1 hour)
 01 Tu3:00 PM -3:50 PM BEC2140 James Foley  
 Course requires a $35 cultural assessment survey fee.
I B205Business in Indian CultureGenEd: NW   Core: WC(3 hours)
Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 221 (or equivalent); sophomore standing
 01 *R* TT12:00 PM -1:15 PM BEC2138 Rajesh Iyer  
 Class meets first 8 weeks of semester.
 02 *R* TT12:00 PM -1:15 PM BEC2138 Prasad Shastry  
 Class meets January 19 through March 23;  Last day to add: January 26
 Last day to drop without "W" on transcript: January 31;  Last day to drop with "W" on transcript: March 7
 Only open to EGT students with Sophomore standing or Department Chair approval. Class meets first 8-weeks of the semester.
I B206Introduction to International BusinessCore: GS(3 hours)
Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing or approval of Director of I B program
 01 M5:30 PM -8:15 PM BEC3170 James C Ryan  
 02 MW4:00 PM -5:15 PM BEC2140 James Foley  
 04 Canceled
I B323International Financial Management (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ATG 158; ECO 222; junior/senior standing.
 01 Canceled
I B400Topics in International Business (1 to 3 hours)
Prerequisite: junior standing; consent of instructor.
 01 Canceled
 10 Canceled
 "Global Decisn Making"
I B498Independent Study in International Business (1 to 3 hours)
Prerequisite: junior/senior standing and approval of international business coordinator.
 01 *R* Arr     Rajesh Iyer  
I B658Topics in International Business (1 to 3 hours)
 01 *R* Arr     Rajesh Iyer  
Introduction to international events, other cultures, and the globalized nature of business environments. Presentations from various international groups on campus. Participation in international cultural events in the community. Pass/Fail.
Overview of sociocultural, religious, historical, economic, and political contexts as these impact ways that business is conducted in India. Examination of the blend of traditional value systems and global modernization as influences on contemporary commercial practices in and with India. In-country visits to observe cultural sites and business activities.
Contemporary international business patterns; emphasis on how international is different from domestic. Management of strategic international activities for an exporting firm or a multinational corporation. How international business is affected by countries' social systems; the interface among nations, states, and firms conducting foreign business. Alternative ways that international business may evolve.
Financial characteristics of international business. International exchange, liquidity, markets, investments, and banking, in context of historical development, environmental characteristics, economic factors, political systems, and legal constraints. Emphasis on exchange rate exposure management. Cross listed as FIN 323.
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic and prerequisites stated in current Schedule of Classes. Repeatable for a maximum of 6 hours credit under different topics.
May be repeated for a maximum of 3 semester hours.
Topics of special interest which may vary each time the course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes.
This course meets a General Education requirement.
C1 - English Composition
C2 - English Composition
SP - Speech
MA - Mathematics
WC - Western Civilization
NW - Non-Western Civilization
FA - Fine Arts
HL - Human Values - Literary
HP - Human Values - Philosophical
CD - Cultural Diversity
SF - Social Forces
FS - Fundamental Concepts in Science
TS - Science & Technology in the Contemporary World
This course meets a Core Curriculum requirement.
OC - Communication - Oral Communication
W1 - Communication - Writing 1
W2 - Communication - Writing 2
FA - Fine Arts
GS - Global Perspective - Global Systems
WC - Global Perspective - World Cultures
HU - Humanities
NS - Knowledge and Reasoning in the Natural Sciences
SB - Knowledge and Reasoning in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MI - Multidisciplinary Integration
QR - Quantitative Reasoning
This section meets a Core Curriculum requirement.
EL - Experiential Learning
IL - Integrative Learning
WI - Writing Intensive
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