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Schedule of Classes


January Interim 2023


Civil Engineering
Kerrie Schattler • Business and Enginee 2251 • 309-677-2779
C E150Mechanics I (3 hours)
Prerequisite: MTH 121 or MTH 115 or MTH 119
 01 Arr  ONLONL Yoon-Si Lee Online Course
C E270Mechanics of Materials (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CE 150.
 01 Arr  ONLONL Yasser A Khodair Online Course
Analysis of two- and three-dimensional force systems by vector algebra. Applications of principles of equilibrium to particles, rigid bodies, and simple structures. Friction, distributed forces, center of gravity, centroids, moments of inertia. U.S. and SI systems of units and applications.
Internal forces; stress, strain, and their relations; stresses and deformations in axial and torsional loading; indeterminate problems; stresses and deformations in flexural members; transformation of stresses; introduction to member design; column buckling analysis.
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