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Schedule of Classes


Summer Session II 2022


Social Work
Patricia Saleeby • Bradley Hall
S W310Child Welfare I (3 hours)
 01 Arr     Nancy Amos  
S W356Topics in SW (3 hours)
 01 Arr     Patricia Saleeby  
 Environmental Justice.
 02 Arr     Patricia Saleeby  
 Grant Writing
 03 Arr     Nancy Amos  
 Subtitle: Working with Families
Examines the theory and knowledge associated with practice in the field of child welfare. This course covers the areas of policy, normative child development, disruptions in child development, and the continuum of services for children in society.
Topics of special interest which may vary each time the course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated under a different topic for maximum of 6 hours credit.
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