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Schedule of Classes


Summer Session II 2019


Management and Leadership
Matt O'Brien • Business and Enginee 4128 • 309-677-2257
M L250Interpersonal Effectiveness in Organizations (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Students who have already completed BUS 210 will not receive credit for this course.
 01 Arr     Becky Mills  
M L350Managing for Results in Organizations (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Junior standing or declared first major and 42 credit hours. Students who have already completed M L 352 will not receive credit for this course.
 01 Arr     Mark P Brown Online Course
M L357Leading Organizations (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Junior/senior standing
 01 Arr     Heidi Baumann Online Course
 Class meets July 22 through August 16;  Last day to add: July 25
 Last day to drop without "W" on transcript: July 26;  Last day to drop with "W" on transcript: August 11
M L459Topics in Management (3 hours)
 01 Arr     Bernard J Goitein Online Course
 "Evidence Based Management" Prerequisites: M L 250 or 350.
Individual and group theories of behavior within organizations. Applying methods of effective interpersonal interactions, increasing self-awareness (through topics including perception, personality, attitudes, values and the effects of stress) in order to better inform an understanding of others. Various interpersonal competencies including motivating others, team dynamics including diversity, problem-solving, decision-making and conflict management, and communicating expectations and feedback.
Planning, organizing and control processes as practices of management. Introduction of management roles, functions, and skills, and evolution of management thought. Discussion of general and task environment and organizational stakeholders. Analysis of planning, strategy, and decision-making frameworks. Foundations of organizational structure and design, human capital, and managerial control models including feedback systems. Application of concepts to contemporary examples.
Theory and practice of organizational leadership skills. Exposure to major leadership theories and advanced interpersonal techniques. Transformational Leadership, Servant Leadership, Authentic Leadership, building self-awareness, empowering followers, and communicating with influence. Applied projects and in-class experiences.
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic and prerequisite stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated under different topics for a maximum of six hours credit.
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