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Schedule of Classes


May I Interim 2019


Kerrie Schattler • Business and Enginee 2251 • 309-677-2779
CON342Construction Equipment (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CE 206
 01 *R* Arr     Kristy Willis  
CON524Building Information Modeling (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CON 224 or CE 224.
 01 *R* Arr     Souhail Elhouar  
Characteristics of construction equipment; includes types, methods for their efficient use, and production calculations. Risk and cost analysis.
Application of state-of-the-art technology in projects during various phases from inception to completion including planning, design, procurement, construction, handing over, and operation and maintenance. Investigation of different available tools and technologies in recording, storing, and sharing project information.
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