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Schedule of Classes


Fall Semester 2019


Jose Lozano • Olin Hall 001A • 309-677-3822
AST300Astronomy: Our Glimpse of the CosmosGenEd: TS   Core: NS(3 hours)
Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing, or sophomores with permission of the instructor or department chair.
Course Fee: $10
 01 MW5:30 PM -6:45 PM O H024 Sheldon L Schafer  
 Please contact the Physics Department for registration assistance. Both sections will meet in the classroom and at Peoria Riverfront Museum.
 02 TT9:00 AM -10:15 AM O H024 Sheldon L Schafer  
 Please contact the Physics Department for registration assistance. Both sections will meet in the classroom and at Peoria Riverfront Museum.
AST310Astronomy and Astrophysics (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Junior standing; one year of calculus; one year of calculus-based physics or permission of the department chair
 01 TT9:00 AM -10:15 AM O H048 Kevin Kimberlin  
Various scientific views of the cosmos; how modern astronomy has enlightened and broadened these views. Relationships between man, technology, and the universe through scientific knowledge of planets, stars, galaxies, and the cosmos will be investigated. Experimental discoveries in astronomy are examined, analyzed, and discussed.
Study of a broad range of astrophysical topics: overview of the universe, planetary systems and subsystems, stars, galaxies, and super clusters of galaxies. Presentations of special topics: stellar evolution, quasi-stellar objects, and black holes. Scientific-technical elective for science and engineering majors.
This course meets a General Education requirement.
C1 - English Composition
C2 - English Composition
SP - Speech
MA - Mathematics
WC - Western Civilization
NW - Non-Western Civilization
FA - Fine Arts
HL - Human Values - Literary
HP - Human Values - Philosophical
CD - Cultural Diversity
SF - Social Forces
FS - Fundamental Concepts in Science
TS - Science & Technology in the Contemporary World
This course meets a Core Curriculum requirement.
OC - Communication - Oral Communication
W1 - Communication - Writing 1
W2 - Communication - Writing 2
FA - Fine Arts
GS - Global Perspective - Global Systems
WC - Global Perspective - World Cultures
HU - Humanities
NS - Knowledge and Reasoning in the Natural Sciences
SB - Knowledge and Reasoning in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MI - Multidisciplinary Integration
QR - Quantitative Reasoning
This section meets a Core Curriculum requirement.
EL - Experiential Learning
IL - Integrative Learning
WI - Writing Intensive
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