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Schedule of Classes


Summer Session I 2016


Education, Counseling, and Leadership
Anna Viviani • Westlake Hall
ENC381Seminar in Leadership (1 to 6 hours)
 01 Arr     Brad McMillan  
 "Inside Look US Govnmt"
 Class meets June 11 through June 15;  Last day to add: June 11
 Last day to drop without "W" on transcript: June 11;  Last day to drop with "W" on transcript: June 14
 Class meet June 11 through 15, 2016 in Washington D.C.
ENC540Human Growth and Development (3 hours)
 01 Arr     Robert Davison Aviles Online Course
ENC550Independent Study (1 to 6 hours)
 01 *R* Arr     Staff  
ENC551Substance Abuse Counseling (2 hours)
 01 TT4:30 PM -7:30 PM WES326 Robert Beach III  
ENC606Interpersonal Behavior & Organizational Leadership (3 hours)
 01 TT4:30 PM -8:30 PM WES110A Brad McMillan  
ENC607Neurocounseling: Bridging Brain and Behavior (3 hours)
 01 MW1:00 PM -4:30 PM WES326 Lori Russell-Chapin  
 Class also meets Fridays, June 10 and 17 from 1:00-4:00
ENC621Career and Life Planning Across the Life Span (3 hours)
 01 MW4:30 PM -8:40 PM WES326 Nancy E Sherman  
ENC655Professional School Counseling in Secondary Schools (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ENC 620 or consent of instructor.
 01 TT4:30 PM -8:30 PM WES316A Robert Davison Aviles  
Special topics or current issues related to leadership in various fields. May be repeated under different topics to a maximum of six hours.
Studies that provide an understanding of the nature and needs of persons at all developmental levels and in multicultural contexts, including common theories, neurobiological behavior, models of resiliency, exceptional abilities, factors that affect normal and abnormal behavior, and wellness over the life span. Experiential activities emphasize personal contact and on-site work with people of different ages and stages of physical and psychological development.
Independent study in a selected area related to educational goals.
Theories and etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors, including strategies for prevention, intervention, and treatment.
Theory and practice related to interpersonal communication, organizational behavior, and leadership are addressed. Leadership skills are developed in the context of mentoring, conflict resolution, and work group dynamics. Extensive opportunities for practicing and evaluating personal communication skills.
This introductory neurocounseling course will teach students how physiology and the brain affect behavior and emotions and thus impact counseling. Concise self-regulation methods and strategies for integration into counseling will be offered.
Basic counseling skills for career planning, exploration, and decision-making across the life span. Theories of career development, assessment in career counseling, career guidance programs for primary, secondary, and higher education, and career issues for special populations are addressed. Opportunity for practical experience in interviewing, assessment, and career information gathering and distribution is provided.
Secondary professional school counseling programs, including administration, finance, and accountability; cognitive and experiential skills. History and development of school counseling; secondary school education and counseling programs (similarities and differences); group and individual counseling; the counselor's role in school testing; career planning and exploration. Practical experiences.
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