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Schedule of Classes


Summer Session II 2015


Electrical & Computer Engineering
Yufeng Lu • BECC 4256 • 309-677-3564
ECE532Communication Theory II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ECE 531 with a minimum grade of B or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 432.
Course Surcharge: $50 per credit hour
 01 MTWTF9:15 AM -10:50 AM JOB215 In Soo Ahn  
ECE581Digital Systems: Design and Synthesis (3 hours)
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 322 or equivalent, or graduate standing, or consent of the instructor. Not open to students with credit in ECE 481.
 01 Canceled
Digital communication systems; modulation; demodulation; maximum likelihood detection; trade-offs between bandwidth and power; bit error rate; channel coding techniques: block coding, convolutional coding, and iterative decoding; mutual information; channel capacity; trellis-coded modulation; synchronization. Cross-listed as ECE 432.
A structured guide to the modeling of the design of digital systems, using VHDL, a hardware description language. VHDL is designed to fill a number of needs in the design process. It allows description of the structure of a system and the specification of the function using familiar programming language forms. As a result it allows the design of a system to be simulated and synthesized. Cross-listed as ECE 481.
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