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Schedule of Classes


Spring Semester 2025


Ollie Nanyes • Bradley Hall 452 • 309-677-2503
MTH101The Art of Mathematical ThinkingGenEd: MA   Core: QR(3 hours)Seats
 01 MWF12:00 PM -12:50 PM BR322 Daniel Yee  30
 02 W6:00 PM -8:30 PM BR235 Staff  30
MTH109College Algebra (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: The mathematics placement exam score is at least 46.
 01 Arr  ONLONL Sheryl Davis Online Course15
 Asynchronous online
 02 Canceled
 Asynchronous online
MTH111Elementary StatisticsGenEd: MA   Core: QR(3 hours)Seats
 01 MWF9:00 AM -9:50 AM BR050 Larry Xue  20
 02 *R* MWF1:00 PM -1:50 PM BR142 Staff   
 03 MWF2:00 PM -2:50 PM BR340 Larry Xue  15
 04 *R* MWF3:00 PM -3:50 PM BR250 Staff   
 05 *R* TT10:30 AM -11:45 AM BR320 Staff   
 06 Arr  ONLONL Sheryl Davis Online Course15
 Asynchronous online
MTH112Precalculus (4 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MTH 109; or the mathematics placement exam score is at least 61.
 01 MWTF9:00 AM -9:50 AM BR139 Daniel Yee  35
MTH114Applied Finite MathematicsCore: QR(3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MTH 109 or 112; or the mathematics placement exam score is at least 61.
 01 MWF1:00 PM -1:50 PM BR146 John Goldman  30
 02 MWF2:00 PM -2:50 PM BR225 John Goldman  30
MTH115Brief Calculus With Applications IGenEd: MA   Core: QR(4 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MTH 109 or 112; or the mathematics placement exam score is at least 61.
 01 MWTF12:00 PM -12:50 PM BR050 Benoit Ahanda  32
 02 MWTF2:00 PM -2:50 PM BR125 Benoit Ahanda  32
MTH116Brief Calculus With Applications IIGenEd: MA   Core: QR(3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: C or better in MTH 115.
 01 MWF9:00 AM -9:50 AM BR250 Thomas E Carty  25
 02 MWF12:00 PM -12:50 PM BR222 Thomas E Carty  25
 03 Canceled
MTH120Discrete Mathematics (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MTH 112; or the mathematics placement exam score is at least 68.
 01 MWF10:00 AM -10:50 AM BR250 Mathew T Timm  40
MTH121Calculus IGenEd: MA   Core: QR(4 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MTH 112; or the mathematics placement exam score is at least 76.
 01 MWTF9:00 AM -9:50 AM BR340 Michael S Lang  25
 02 *R* MWTF11:00 AM -11:50 AM BR046 Staff   
 03 MWTF2:00 PM -2:50 PM O H245 Michael S Lang  25
MTH122Calculus IIGenEd: MA   Core: QR(4 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MTH 119 or MTH 121 or its equivalent.
 01 MWTF9:00 AM -9:50 AM BR091 Mathew T Timm  25
 02 *R* MWTF11:00 AM -11:50 AM BR250 Staff   
 03 MWTF2:00 PM -2:50 PM BR050 Mathew T Timm  25
 04 Canceled
MTH207Elementary Linear Algebra With Applications (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: MTH 122, or consent of instructor.
 01 MWF11:00 AM -11:50 AM BR225 Ollie Nanyes  30
MTH223Calculus IIICore: QR(4 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MTH 122.
 01 MWTF9:00 AM -9:50 AM BR222 Libin Mou  32
 02 MWTF2:00 PM -2:50 PM BR222 Libin Mou  32
MTH224Elementary Differential Equations (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: MTH 223
 01 MWF9:00 AM -9:50 AM BR322 Ollie Nanyes  32
 02 MWF1:00 PM -1:50 PM BR322 Libin Mou  32
MTH300Topics for Middle School Math Teachers (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: C or better in MTH 111 and C or better in one of MTH 115, 119, or 121 and permission of the Chair.
 01 TT9:00 AM -10:15 AM BR120 Larry Xue  20
MTH302Introduction to Graph Theory (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: MTH 120, 122; or MTH 223.
 01 MW4:00 PM -5:15 PM BR100 Michael S Lang  20
MTH325Probability and Statistics I (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: MTH 223
 01 MWF10:00 AM -10:50 AM BR320 Benoit Ahanda  35
MTH403Complex Variables I (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: MTH 207, 223; or MTH 224.
 01 MWF2:00 PM -2:50 PM BR322 Thomas E Carty  20
MTH427Applied Statistical Methods (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: MTH325; MTH326 or consent of instructor.
 01 MWF10:00 AM -10:50 AM BR222 John Goldman  20
MTH494Senior Project in Mathematics I (0 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Senior standing (junior standing with consent of instructor).
 01 *R* Arr     Staff   
MTH495Senior Project in Mathematics II (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: MTH 494; senior standing.
 01 *R* Arr     StaffCore: EL,WI  
Encouraging audience appreciation of mathematics by investigating some of the great ideas of mathematical history, seeing contemporary applications, and getting a feel for the way mathematicians think.
For students who need to strengthen their algebra skills: factoring polynomials; solving quadratic and other equations; exponents, logarithms, and graphing.
Data collection processes (observational studies, experimental design, sampling techniques, bias), descriptive methods using quantitative and qualitative data, bivariate data, correlation, and least- squares regression, basic probability theory, probability distributions (normal distributions and normal curve, binomial distribution), confidence intervals and hypothesis tests using p-values and selected applications. Additionally, statistical software will be used with an emphasis on interpretation and evaluation of statistical results.
For students needing further background in mathematics before enrolling in calculus (especially MTH 121). Thorough study of algebraic, transcendental, and trigonometric functions; emphasis on graphing and use of algebra.
A survey of the most common mathematical techniques used in business. Topics include: linear functions, non-linear functions (polynomials, exponentials, logarithms), systems of linear equations, linear programming, sets and probability, introduction to basic statistics.
Differential and integral calculus with emphasis on understanding through graphs. Topics in analytic geometry, limits, derivatives, antiderivatives, definite integrals, exponential and logarithmic functions, and partial derivatives.
Continuation of MTH 115. Includes trig functions, integration techniques, series, differential equations, and multivariable calculus.
Introduction to graph theory, Boolean algebra, mathematical induction, and elementary combinatorics.
Topics for this first course in calculus include functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions with applications including curve sketching, anti-differentiation and applications of integrals, the Riemann sum, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Topics for this second course in calculus include techniques of integration, applications of the definite integral, infinite series, Taylor series, polar coordinates, and parametrized curves in the plane.
Matrix algebra, determinants, theory of simultaneous equations, vector spaces, bases, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, transformations, and applications.
Topics for this third course in calculus including vector analysis of three-dimensional Euclidean space, functions of several variables, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, line integrals and surface integrals, the integral theorems of vector calculus.
Solutions of limited classes of first order equations; second order linear equations; Laplace transform methods; numerical methods; autonomous systems, including linear systems of two variables.
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered, rotating among geometry, algebra/number theory, and problem-solving. Historical motivations will be provided within each topic. For middle school teacher certification; does not count toward a math major or math minor. May be repeated under different topics for a maximum of 9 hours credit.
Theory and applications of graphs, including historical motivations. Fundamental properties of graphs, circuits, cycles, trees, and graph algorithms; planarity and coloring.
An upper-level treatment of fundamental concepts in probability theory and statistics: discrete and continuous random variables; particular probability distributions of each type; multivariate probability distributions; conditional and marginal probabilities; moment-generating functions; Central Limit Theorem.
Introduction to complex calculus: analytic functions, integration, Cauchy's formula, Laurent series, the residue theorem and its applications; and a subset of more advanced topics such as conformal mapping, the Riemann mapping theorem, harmonic functions, and analytic continuation.
Regression analysis, time series analysis, and forecasting
Topics in mathematics selected, studied, and discussed by students under faculty guidance. Each student explores an area of mathematics and selects a topic in which he or she has a particular interest.
A selected topic in mathematics is studied by a student under faculty guidance. Each student writes a paper and gives a presentation on his or her topic.
This course meets a General Education requirement.
C1 - English Composition
C2 - English Composition
SP - Speech
MA - Mathematics
WC - Western Civilization
NW - Non-Western Civilization
FA - Fine Arts
HL - Human Values - Literary
HP - Human Values - Philosophical
CD - Cultural Diversity
SF - Social Forces
FS - Fundamental Concepts in Science
TS - Science & Technology in the Contemporary World
This course meets a Core Curriculum requirement.
OC - Communication - Oral Communication
W1 - Communication - Writing 1
W2 - Communication - Writing 2
FA - Fine Arts
GS - Global Perspective - Global Systems
WC - Global Perspective - World Cultures
HU - Humanities
NS - Knowledge and Reasoning in the Natural Sciences
SB - Knowledge and Reasoning in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MI - Multidisciplinary Integration
QR - Quantitative Reasoning
This section meets a Core Curriculum requirement.
EL - Experiential Learning
IL - Integrative Learning
WI - Writing Intensive
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