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Schedule of Classes


Spring Semester 2025


Pre-Law Studies
Ryan Reed • Bradley Hall 426C • 309-677-3982
PLW102Introduction to Legal Research (2 hours)Seats
 01 Th5:00 PM -6:50 PM BR126 Ashley M Miller  15
PLW300Pre-Law Internship (0 to 6 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor, sophomore standing and 3.0 cumulative GPA.
 01 *R* Arr     Ryan ReedCore: EL  
PLW325Legal Ethics (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: Junior standing
 01 TT10:30 AM -11:45 AM BR222 Ashley M Miller  15
PLW400Capstone Experience (3 hours)Seats
Prerequisite: PLW 101, PLW 102, PLW 325, or consent of the instructor
 01 *R* Arr     Taraleigh Davis   
Students learn to identify and utilize legal research resources to answer the legal issues presented by different factual scenarios and present the results in legal documents.
Students considering law school work in a legal office setting, either private or public sector, to learn what the practice of law is like. Actual tasks are determined by the site supervisor. Placement is determined by the director of the Center for Legal Studies. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
Explore fundamental ethical issues presented to lawyers in United States created by the paradox of the adversarial system and the pursuit of truth.
The focus will be upon critical thinking utilizing advanced legal advocacy and writing skills. Experiential learning will be an integral part of each seminar specifically utilizing members of the legal community.
This course meets a Core Curriculum requirement.
OC - Communication - Oral Communication
W1 - Communication - Writing 1
W2 - Communication - Writing 2
FA - Fine Arts
GS - Global Perspective - Global Systems
WC - Global Perspective - World Cultures
HU - Humanities
NS - Knowledge and Reasoning in the Natural Sciences
SB - Knowledge and Reasoning in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MI - Multidisciplinary Integration
QR - Quantitative Reasoning
This section meets a Core Curriculum requirement.
EL - Experiential Learning
IL - Integrative Learning
WI - Writing Intensive
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